When building or renovating for hospitality, multi-family, senior housing or student living, managing costs and timelines are the hallmarks of delivering a successful project. And, managing costs and timelines can be complicated, right? Maybe not.

Consider sourcing your project needs domestically. There are many advantages to securing domestically-made products that can ensure you stay on budget and meet your timelines.

  • Prices for domestically-made products are often quite competitive to imported goods—and the quality is generally superior
  • Problems can be more quickly resolved and product that has been damaged can be replaced expediently—no waiting for the next freighter with replacement goods
  • Less paperwork and no FOB concerns—this can save you time and money
  • It’s easier to build lasting, professional relationships with domestic suppliers
  • Many domestic manufacturers offer quick-ship options so materials can get to your job site within a few days, helping you meet your construction deadlines
  • It’s a marketing plus! Your guests will appreciate that you buy domestically lending affinity toward your brand

And, the breadth of product that you can source domestically is impressive. Shower doors, pans and surrounds, sinks, custom-fabricated natural stone, mirrors, textiles, flooring and furniture can all be procured from domestic manufacturers—and the quality is unmatched by importers. So, consider domestic sourcing for your current or future projects. It’s not complicated and it will help you manage two key parts of your project plan—costs and timelines.



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